Sunday, May 31, 2009

My mind comes home again; attic view

Back in Cape Cod I continue to look at life from a peak. Or peak into life. :-)
Have a blissful evening and sweet dreams.

Uncle Chuckie; Housebound artist

(Photo of Uncle Chuck by request.)
Hello again. I want to tell you about my Uncle Chuck; my mom's little brother. He's 4 times her size, but he is 17 years younger - this evidently qualifies him as 'little' in my mom's eyes. He lives in my gramma's house in Rochester, New York. This is the house he was born in about 66 years ago and it doesn't look like he'll be going anywhere. He is a very dear and unusual man; although his area of the house is a housekeeping disaster to say in the least. He watches the old TV shows from the 50s and 60s - the same shows I heard him watching on TV when I was a little girl sleeping in the little room next to my gramma and grampa's room. While the TV is blaring, he also has a police radio on, as he has ever since I can remember. The police radio is so raw and grating it has to be the donkey on the broadcast farm, but after so many years it almost sounds like 'home' to me. So, with a background of Petticoat Junction or I Love Lucy playing on TV, I hear, 'Squawk! Disturbance at 63 Chestnut. Some sort of wildlife in living room...' 'Squawk! 30 year old white female adult is stuck 40 feet up a tree.' Now, when I visit him, I sleep one more flight up - in the attic. It's weird that the sounds emanating from downstairs when I'm falling asleep are the same sounds I heard 50 years ago. Me and a few other generous souls believe he has difficulty functioning in this world, so we try to help him. He thinks he does just fine. He hates it that we think he can't handle things, but he also suspects there might be some truth in our perceptions so he is not will to risk this support dropping out, so he puts out an effort to love us in spite of it. Some of my friends drive to Omega or Kripalu for a spiritual journey - I tell them that visiting my Uncle Chuckie is my spiritual journey. And I mean it. On a few occasions Jason or Harry or my friend, Mame have journeyed with me and from listening to their stories, I thnk they would agree. To show me his love he sends me these little paintings on 81/2 x 11 printer paper that are folded in envelopes and I want to share them with you. The top one - 'Comedian with Blond Wig' he gave me for Christmas. On the back it says, 'Merry Christmas. $10.00.'

Saturday, May 30, 2009

'My Mind is a Gypsy'

Good morning Pumpkin,
I thought I'd write to tell you about my mom. I love my mom. She has great spirit. Here are some photos - have you ever seen such spirit?

She has had a brain tumor and now maybe Alzheimer s too - no, they don't seem to cancel each other out. :-) But she still has great spirit!

When she forgets something she says, 'Oh, forgive me; my mind is a gypsy.'
I called her first thing in the morning on her birthday. When she picked up the phone she was crying. "What's the matter mom?"
"I'm nutsy. I don't know where I am or anything."
"Well mom, I'm calling to say 'Happy Birthday' and 'I love you'. You're 83 today.''
"Oh my God!!! I'm 83??!! No wonder why I'm nutsy. Anybody would be nutsy if they woke up and realized they were 83!!!!!"
I visited her today and we did a jigsaw puzzle - under 100 pieces otherwise it's no fun. (Doing a jigsaw puzzle is a Saturday activity.)
Well, I must go now.
Happy Trails and Happy Saturday to you,

Friday, May 29, 2009

We go to a farm!

We woke up to a cool and drizzly morning so my son, Jason, the Baa Brothers and I decided to visit Great Cape Herbs ( in Brewster, Massachusetts. There was a little serendipity at play here because while we were thinking about visiting Great Cape the phone rang and it was them! We never talked before, but they heard about our Babydoll sheep and they are considering keeping sheep on their farm so they wanted to see them. Much to their surprise I told them we'd just put 'the boys' in the car and bring them right over. So, off we went! If you ever want to make any day a Saturday, visit a farm. Even if you are only able to visit one of those city co-op farms on your lunch break, your day will be transformed. As soon as we let the boys out of the car, they were a huge hit. They are like little people magnets - people wander in from everywhere to see them. I noticed an old tractor sitting in the middle of a tall grassy area, so Jason and I just attached the boys to the tractor with a long lead and they munched on this delicious organic grass while Stephan Brown showed us around their 14 acre farm. We loved the new caboose under construction that is housing their recently adopted baby chicks. Imagine how beautiful it would be to live in a caboose in the middle of acres amd acres of green, sweet scented herbs. Stephan says, 'Herbs are the People's medicine' and he has an enthusiasm for farm life that is contagious. Before we left, Stephen called Shelley of Golden Touch Farm in Westport (where the boys were born) and asked her about getting Babydolls of his own.
Now we are home and its raining loud, so I shall go now and have some tea, homemade bread, and honey from the farm with Jason.
Happy Saturday to you!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Good morning! It's Saturday!

Happy trails to you! You've arrived at a very enchanting land where there are fields and fields of Saturdays. 100 % stress free and all organic. Saturdays are healthier and happier. I have a lot to share with you and I hope you'll stay and experience a world of Saturdays with me.
:} -Itsa Cin