Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Uncle Eddie's World of gardens, castles and fairies

Today Jason, the little Munchkins (Baa Brothers), my friend, Barbara, and I went to see our friend Eddie Foisy (Uncle Eddie) right here on Cape Cod in Harwich. Uncle Eddie really may have the most magical garden in the world. He works all by himself with no help at all. Or possibly, the fairies help him. It's impossible that he has done this by himself, so the only reasonable explanation is that fairies helped him.
{You can see Uncle Eddie's World in Cape Cod by appointment only. 508 432 2080 Donations very much appreciated - Eddie works for the fairies full time and overtime. The only drawback to working for fairies is that although they pay well in blessings, they don't give you any cash.}
"Okay, you people just go ahead...have fun.... we'll be good."

World's only poetry speaking rabbit.

Eddie has animals too and you can see a relative of the Baa Brothers in the circle of the goddess' arms.

We take a little break and try a couple of Eddie's 1999 brews. One was made of nettles and the other lemon balm. They are surprisingly wonderful!
Happy kids - Uncle Eddie and Barbara

Welcome to Eddie's shop

"Time to go little munchkins!"
"Oh, can't we stay a little longer?"
Bromley ate so much that when we arrived home he got stuck between the Baa house and the fence. A few of us had to lift and move the house to get him out. Just like Winnie the Pooh and the honey!


  1. Hey,

    I liked my field trip to Uncle Eddies. Put you on RSS Feed so I can keep up.

    I have a blog too but am not too good at keeping it up, looked at it today and my last post was in Feb. LOL

    Give the Baa Bros a scratch behind the ears for me



  2. Thank you, Pat! How did you hear about or find my blog?
    I think I will keep up with the blog - I have so many ideas in my head that want to break out! :-) We will see though. Your comment helps, by the way.
    Harry and I just came back from the beach and now I've put the Baa Brothers to bed. Jobey sleeps with his head on Bromley's bottom and he's done that since he was born.
    Next I'll take them to see Fritz, the Glass Blower. Keep checking back and I hope to talk to you soon.
    Happy Trails,
    Itsa Cin
