A party of amazing women rented Saturday Farm for a retreat and they are arriving on... Saturday :-) . They all met at a writers workshop by Joan Anderson. (Joan is the author of A Year By the Sea, An Unfinished Marriage and A Walk on the Beach.) I'm excited about their visit- Saturday Farm is perfect for artists and writers. This brings up thoughts about my writing insecurities, though. Of course, I've never claimed to be a writer. I keep journals and journals of poems, art, collage, dreams, and phrases that come into my head. I've been cleaning out the barn and I found a piece of paper with a bunch of words I wrote several years ago. I read it and thought, 'What IS this? Where did this come from? Is this some attempt at a poem, a story....? What kind of writer am I??? Who writes like this? Read it and tell me what you think. I seem to be lacking 'comments' (interaction) on this blog and I would love to hear from you.
Camelia writes of wrens while blue birds find ladies who fry
bacon in burnt pans in the alley with shoes and spiders and
love. How
many wrens fly kites over that alley?
How many times? And do they run into
other birds with their kites in the
rain? Yesterday. Yesterday it rained. It
rained in tear
drops rather salty on my face and in my hair - I had to use
swimmers shampoo to
get it out and even then it dried in pink streaks --Hmm.. maybe from the
ink running off of the wrens'